Author Archives: Jay Maynard

Hypocritical much, PJ?

The reason that there hasn’t been a new post to this blog in a year is that nothing has happened with IBM and Hercules for a year. Behind the scenes, we’re taking some steps, but those will be announced when they happen. In the meantime, though… I was reading a post on Groklaw about Oracle […]

Why this is a patent attack on Hercules

A common refrain from the folks who support IBM in this fight is “They’re attacking TurboHercules SAS, not the open source project itself”. This is not correct. TurboHercules SAS’s product is services, support, and optionally hardware around the open source Hercules emulator. They have no code of their own. They do provide binaries to their […]

PJ vs. Hercules

PJ’s now posted, further: Someone has sent me the page you link to, one you put up just to criticize Groklaw and to insult me personally. No, PJ, it’s not all about you. This blog exists to defend Hercules against the patent attacks from IBM. It just so happens that most of what I’ve been moved to […]

Booted from Groklaw

Well, what I expected has happened: Groklaw’s PJ has had enough of my disagreeing with her and objecting to having most of my words ignored and the few remaining ones twisted, and has revoked my Groklaw account: So, you come full circle, attacking me and Groklaw. I assume that means you don’t wish to be a member […]

What I’d like to see from IBM

One question I’ve been asked lately is “What do you want from IBM, anyway?” Here’s what I’d like to see: 1) IBM issues a direct, unequivocal statement that they will not pursue Hercules on patent grounds. This would go farther toward defusing the current controversy than anything else. It’s been argued that they’ve done so […]

IBM the monopolist

My previous post invoked antitrust law to explain why forcing IBM to license its mainframe software on Hercules is not the bad thing some have painted it as. I’d like to expand on why it’s an antitrust matter. Put simply, a customer who uses an IBM mainframe cannot escape dealing with IBM. To see why, […]

“They want to force IBM to change its license!”

One of the most common misapprehensions about IBM’s attack on Hercules is that it began because TurboHercules SAS asked IBM to license its software on the Hercules open source emulator. The complaint is that “TurboHercules wants to force IBM to change its license! This is a threat to the GPL!” Uh…no. There’s a crucial difference […]

Whither Groklaw?

I was inspired to start this blog in large part by the treatment I received over at Groklaw. The site rose to prominence for its coverage of the seemingly interminable war SCO waged against Linux, in the form of its lawsuits against IBM, Novell, Red Hat, and others. The site, and its owner Pamela Jones, […]

Another voice in the debate

Hello and welcome to IBM vs. Hercules. There’s a lot of misinformation being spread around the geek blogosphere concerning the recent brouhaha between IBM and TurboHercules SAS, and how it affects the open source Hercules emulator. Here, you’ll find my take on it, including the facts as I know them. I’m the project manager of […]